CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) Futures data 2004 – Recent

The CBOE posts historical volatility futures quotes, but not in a particularly helpful organization. Each expiration month has a separate spreadsheet, which currently adds up to > 100 different spreadsheets from May 2004 to now. Adding to the difficulties, there are four expiration months in the early years that didn’t exist at all that led to a lot of missing data and a reverse split …

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2024 Option Expiration Calendars

Market Watch (includes all years out to at least the year 4000!) No VIX data. Easy to get to other years Calendar The CBOE and the Options Clearing Corporation both publish nice options expiration calendars. 2024 2022 2021 Free Six Figure Investing Spreadsheet with 2020-2023 Equity Trading Days, VIX Future & Option Expirations, and SPX monthly Expirations Updated January 11, 2022