How Does BITX, Volatility Shares’ 2X Leveraged Bitcoin Strategy Fund Work?

On June 27th,2023 Volatility Shares introduced BITX, the first 2X leveraged Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund.  This post will review BITX’s architecture, operational characteristics, likely risks, possible rewards, and potential trading strategies.  A simulation of BITX back to 2014 provides some data on how this Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) might perform in the future. Before we get into the specifics of how BITX works, I’m disclosing …

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Volatility White Papers and Presentations

Below I’ve collected links to some of my favorite white papers and presentations on volatility. I’ve organized them in the following categories: Volatility Concepts & Volatility Trading Probability Distributions—Normal and Otherwise The VIX and VIX Futures Volatility Contagion—Will Short Volatility Destroy the World? Variance Swaps—the Technology That Underlies VIX & VIX Futures For an index of my 60+ posts on volatility see here.   Volatility …

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How Do Bitcoin Futures Work?

The CME, a well-respected, USA-regulated futures exchange, has been trading BitCoin futures since December 2017.  These futures make it possible to trade on Bitcoin’s value without being exposed to the uncertainties of the mostly unregulated Bitcoin exchanges. To understand Bitcoin futures you need to recognize, among some other things, that these futures are not in the business of predicting Bitcoin’s price. Bitcoin Futures are Not Trying …

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